Dataset versions

In exceptional cases, where you decide that already published datasets need to be amended, you should contact the Data Steward.

In such a case, once the missing data has been entered into the published dataset, you must resubmit the dataset for verification: “Send for review”. The Data Steward may send it back for correction or, if there are no objections, may publish it.

It is important to agree with the Data Steward on the final version of the dataset – he or she can publish its next version with minor or major corrections. In the first and second case, you can check the version number of a dataset under the “Versions” tab. Information on the current version can be found at the very top of the page or under the dataset title.

Please note

While working on the next draft version, you may decide to delete it. Then, all files will be restored to the latest published version. This action cannot be undone.

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